Placing an Order could not be easier, just follow the easy steps below:

  1. Click on the item that you desire to purchase
  2. Once you are in that item, choose from the drop down menus the available options such as Color or Length.  Also choose the Quantity required.
  3. Click the "Add to Cart" button once you have finished choosing
  4. Your Cart will open showing you the Ordered item.  You can now choose to go to the "Checkout" or continue Shopping.
  5. Once you are done shopping you can go to the "Checkout" to finalize your Order.
  6. At the Checkout you will be required to enter your Details.  This is required to arrange Delivery of your Order.
  7. You may also choose to save your details for future Orders.
  8. If you have a Discount Code you may also enter it on this Page.  Once a Valid Discount Code is entered, the discount will show on your Order Summary.  You will also see the final amount billed.
  9. Press Continue to be taken to the Final Checkout Page
  10. On this page you will find your Shipping/Billing Address.  Also you can choose here the Payment Method:
    1. Credit Card
    2. Cash On Delivery
  11. If you have a Gift Voucher Code you can enter the code right under where it says Payment Method as in the picture below. 
  12. Now press Complete Order and you are done... Congratulations on your purchase :)
  13. Shipping is done by our own delivery service or by LibanPost/Aramex for Free.  Click here for more details on Shipping.